It's been about 3 months since I last updated this - things have been somewhat hectic at the house, and rather slow in the wormery!
The renovations at the house have had priority so I haven't really paid a lot of attention to the wormery but thankfully as it's winter it really hasn't needed attention and has probably benfitted from my leaving it alone.
Knowing that there was a cold snap coming up, I wrapped the wormery in bubble wrap and made sure that there was plenty of insulating egg box type material on top of the waste. This was probably left alone for a good 6 to 8 weeks before checking it again after all the snow and cold weather here had passed.
The worms had surviced the weather fine, and seemed to be wriggling around quite happily in the nice compost, so another 2litre tub full of kitchen waste was added to the top, the insulation put back on and the wormery wrapped up again, just in case.
I checked the wormery again about 4 weeks later and the waste has not reduced much - the cold weather is still keeping the worms quite sluggish so I'm not worried and will check again in a couple of weeks to see how they are doing. All I've added lately is more shredded paper insulation and some crushed egg shell.
On the next check I'll aerate the compost and check the worm count (not individually, just a quick check by eye of whether there are any dead ones or more little ones around).
Another couple of months of cool weather to come so I probably won't need to feed them more often than about once a month.
The renovations at the house have had priority so I haven't really paid a lot of attention to the wormery but thankfully as it's winter it really hasn't needed attention and has probably benfitted from my leaving it alone.
Knowing that there was a cold snap coming up, I wrapped the wormery in bubble wrap and made sure that there was plenty of insulating egg box type material on top of the waste. This was probably left alone for a good 6 to 8 weeks before checking it again after all the snow and cold weather here had passed.
The worms had surviced the weather fine, and seemed to be wriggling around quite happily in the nice compost, so another 2litre tub full of kitchen waste was added to the top, the insulation put back on and the wormery wrapped up again, just in case.
I checked the wormery again about 4 weeks later and the waste has not reduced much - the cold weather is still keeping the worms quite sluggish so I'm not worried and will check again in a couple of weeks to see how they are doing. All I've added lately is more shredded paper insulation and some crushed egg shell.
On the next check I'll aerate the compost and check the worm count (not individually, just a quick check by eye of whether there are any dead ones or more little ones around).
Another couple of months of cool weather to come so I probably won't need to feed them more often than about once a month.