I remembered to seal up the wormery before heading out yesterday evening, thank goodness.
First thing this morning I was out the back door, gently taking the tape off again and checking for escapees.
As usual there were a few trying to get out through the gaps, but not able to quite make it all the way. There are some small holes in the corners of the lips of the trays and lid, and some worms generally hide in there if they can, although I'm careful to have enough gaffa tape to cover the corners well.
More worms in the sump again, although less than yesterday - all transferred safely back into the bedding tray along with the ones in the lid and round the edges where they tried to escape.
I think sealing with gaffa tape is working, although I'm hoping that the worms settle down soon and I don't have to keep this up for too long.
It's a little hurtful that I've spent all this time, money and effort to provide a lovely home for them all, and all they want to do is bugger off and find somewhere else...
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