Thursday, August 19, 2010

The First Failure and the start of the Big Project

I bought a wormery some months ago and like many first-time womery-users, completely failed to follow instructions, interpret warning signals or take remedial action, and so almost all of my worms died and I ended up with a soggy, smelly mess of rotting waste in my wormery.

Thus begins the Big Project.

Wormeries are quite expensive, so having spent this cash I wasn't about to see the money wasted due to my  own incompetetence - at least not until I'd given it a proper go...

I first investigated the options - should I buy more worms and then either a) add them to the existing mess, or b) clean out the existing wormery and start again with the new worms? 

I looked at how much waste I was expecting to compost - I live with a housemate who runs a small bistro, so although we as individuals don't have that much food waste, when we added in the amount that was being brought back from the bistro, we had rather more than the average family of four!

Most wormeries are designed for a maximum family of four, so I decided that I was going to need a second kit.  I researched the available styles and sizes, and chose the one I thought would suit my needs best.  All wormeries come with enough worms to get you started, but since I was having to replace worms from the first wormery as well, I added a second batch of worms to the order, and sat back to await their arrival.

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